

Know your plumb line!


We can learn much about posture by drawing an imaginary line through the ears, the middle of the shoulder and the hip. Ideally this line will be vertical, the shoulder girdle centred over the pelvic girdle, the spine showing its natural curves and the head effortlessly poised on top.  In the left photograph above, sitting on a Tall Buttafly, we see that the plumb line is forwards of the vertical meaning that the muscles on the back of the spine will have to work to prevent a falling forwards. Sitting for a short time, especially in a fit individual, this is unlikely to cause any discomfort. Longer periods however will in all probability cause a build up of muscular tension that may well cause discomfort and a distracted meditation practice. The plumb line is much improved sitting on a Flat and a Tall Buttafly together.

In addition, let’s take a closer look at the details of the posture shown here at the neck. On the left there is a definite crease visible just above the necklace, indicating a hingeing at this level of the spine causing compression on one side of the spine and over-stretch on the other.

Version 2Version 2

In the photograph on the right, again sitting on 2 Buttaflys, the neck shows a much more smooth curve throughout its length and you may notice too that the gaze is much more neutral and relaxed.

The long term effects of poor postural habits cannot be predicted with certainty as there are other significant contributing factors, however, as the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure and with a plumb line as obvious to see as this, why not follow its cue?

Happy sitting!


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